Saturday, June 16, 2007

Being Just Simple

Look at the nature of beauty , how beautiful it is when flowers bloom but it will still wilt one day.
Lives aren't perfect but it can be better....... Smile aren't the most charming but it can be heartwarming. Being together we want to fall in love madly with each other, having big chemistry, fireworks and unbelievable feelings but that's too extreme and ofcourse it won't last forever. That's not reality in life. Being happy simplicity maybe worth to aim for contentment because that's what last forever.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Dumpling Festival

Its the month of the dumpling eating again! My mom has started making dumpling, bundles and bundles of them hanging on our patio after its cooked. It just look sooo nice with the feel of the festive season around the corner........dumpling shown on the pic was my breakfast for this morning! It just simply tasted heartwarming becos its specially made for me by my mom!

Scrapbooking Craze

Its been quite a while since i last blog. Life is getting back on track once again for me......... been busy around lately. I have stopped scrapbooking for awhile but i am now back to the craze of it again. Here's my latest masterpiece..... Isn't he gorgeous ? I really like this piece of lo , dunno why, but i just feel that kids have the nature of purity where there's no boundaries to get close to them.